Bagley Frog Pond
The "Frog Pond" is the Historic Softball field located in the Bagley City Park. Its name comes from the low area out in center field. It was originally built around the spring of 1948 as the New High School Baseball/Football field because the New County Hospital was being built on the current field. The backstop sits at the bottom of a hill creating a natural bleacher for its fans. This hill is a huge highlight of the Frog Pond. The Frog Pond has an enormous place in the history of Bagley. Many ball players from Bagley and the surrounding areas have played on this field.
The High School stopped using the Frog Pond around 1958 when they moved to the current location at the Fairgrounds. The Frog Pond was still used by the Bagley Merchants Town Ball Team, the Youth Summer Recreation Program, 4-H Softball and the Adult Softball Leagues. In 1996, the Irvin Blix American Legion Post #16 made donations towards the land and local Volunteers built the “Veteran’s Memorial Athletic Complex”. In 2002 the fences of the Frog Pond were removed and given to the High School for the New Fast Pitch Field located behind the High School.
In July of 2008 the City of Bagley saw a need to form a Park & Recreation Board. At that time they began to set aside funds for the softball fields out of the Park and Recreation budget each year. In the summer of 2009 they had a small “Snack Shack” built for the softball players to run with the profits to go to the maintenance and upgrades of the softball fields. In March of 2010, they asked the softball players to form an organization to help raise money to maintain and upgrade the softball fields and to run the Snack Shack. It was at this time, the players asked about the Frog Pond.
In June 2010, the City of Bagley received the Minnesota Twins Community Fund – Fields for Kids matching grant of $10,000 to restore the Frog Pond and make upgrades to the Softball Complex. The details of the project were to add two loads of agri-lime (infield dirt) to the infields and to build the last two dugouts at the Softball Complex. It also included adding two loads of agri-lime, new bases and putting new fencing around the Frog Pond.
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